Conference Timetable

A timetable for the conference is available (PDF download)

Conference Venue

The conference is being held at
Altis Grand Hotel
Rua Castilho, 11
1269-072 Lisboa

Early Registration: Wednesday 1 July

Early Registration will open at 06:00pm on Wednesday 1st July.
Join us for Drinks and light food served 7:00pm
Close, delegates free for the evening 08:30pm

Conference Dinner: Thursday 2 July

This will be held at the Restaurant Museu da Cerveja ( ) situated at Praça do Comércio (just by the river.)

Delegates will meet 07:30pm for dinner at 08:00pm at the restaurant.

The restaurant address is:
Terreiro do Paço ? Ala Nascente
Nº 62 a 65, 1100-148 Lisboa, Portugal

Conference Sessions

Thursday 2nd and Friday 3rd July.


A PDF copy of the conference programme is available (large PDF download 900kB)

Online Pre-Proceedings

The full text of the papers presented at the conference can be viewed by logging in to the PROSE system with your username and password and selecting 'View Pre-proceedings'.

You can also view the presentation Powerpoint file if the author has uploaded it.

View Full Track Papers

View Short Track Papers

If you do not have a PROSE account you can view the Pre-proceedings using
Userid: guest
Password: guest


If your paper cannot be seen in the pre-proceedings this will probably be because you did not correctly name the paper PDF file, or did not upload it at all.

To be visible in the pre-proceedings there must be a file in the publication file area named
where seb15-xxx.pdf is the number of the paper.

You can also upload a Powerpoint presentation if you wish others to be able to view it.

Conference Presentations

All presentations are oral.

Oral presentations are allowed 20 minutes, made up of 15 minutes presentation time and 5 minutes for questions.

A laptop computer and data-projector will be provided for the use of presenters.

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  • Solar Building